zondag 24 februari 2013

Back in action!

Hello everyone. It has been a while since I posted something on this blog. Due to winter I've putten a hold on my paintings and the lot of it. Yes, it's winter and I tend to slack way more than usual. Though I took a break from it, the weather didn't stop me from playing 40k. During this time I've learned more about CSM and due to this experience I'll be able to tell what my army needs for it's future expansions. This will also make it easier for me to set up my budget for my purchases.

As winter's almost at it's end and the temperature becoming more pleasant, I intend to go back and go full out on my hobby. Also , as most of you already know, Daemons are on the horizon and being released on 2nd of March. (Dark) Gods bless us all! I guess the Daemons of the burning hells took along some of their heat into this world. I will definetly get some of these models to bolster my Death Guard force.

Stay tuned for more!

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