dinsdag 23 oktober 2012


It has been a while since I posted something on my blog. Some of you might be curious about my current conversions.

To be honest, at this moment I pretty much set aside my Nurgle Biker Lord. Knowing that:

1. My new Chaos models haven't been shipped from my online retailer.
2. This saturday 27th of October I have a gaming day with a bunch of friends

So basicly with no models or whatsoever I had to take action. I had my order canceled and went to a local retailer last week to get my models. So it pretty much ended up me having to paint almost my whole army within 1.5 week. Knowing I'll never reach my deadline, I'll at least try to paint the models in such way it's  acceptable as table-top looking.

Here's a list of models which I'll use on the upcoming saturday:

1000 pts

1 Warpsmith - currently in progress.
2 Maulerfiends - 1 unfinished/table-top quality, the other needs to be assembled and painted
10 Raptors - 5 unfinished/table-top quality, 5 needs to be painted
20 Cultists w/ CCW & pistol - unfinished/table-top quality
10 Cultists w/ autoguns - needs to be assembled and painted
5 Havocs - needs to be painted
1 Helbrute - currently in progress.

As you can see I still have alot to go. I'll post some pictures of all the models which I've managed to paint by saturday.

Stay tuned!

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