donderdag 11 oktober 2012

The Conversion Clinic: Killing Time Part 1.

Almost a week has been past since the release of our shiney new codex CSM. Many of you got their hands on their new Chaos kits while others, including myself, are waiting for theirs to arrive from online retailers.

Knowing delayments would occur, I took some measures just to avoid waiting the whole darn time. Past saturday I went and bought myself a few Chaos bikes for my Death Guard army, so I got something to work on while waiting for my goods to arrive.

Having a look at the codex these bikes are cheap and being very tough when the Mark of Nurgle is taken. Also they got some nasty tricks when accompanied by a Lord. Imagine the following:

- A unit of Chaos Bikes with the Mark of Nurgle. (Decent unit size)
   * 2 Melta Guns
   * Twin Lightning Claws (Champion)
   * Gift of Mutation

- A Lord (accompanying the Nurgle Bikers)
   * Mark of Nurgle
   * Blight Grenades
   * Bike
   * Gift of Mutation
   * The Black Mace
   * Sigil of Corruption

With this setup you basicly have a T6 unit who are Fearless and have Blight Grenades as long as the Lord is within the unit. The most notable part is both Lord and Champion having the Gift of Mutation. All results are fairly useable for these characters as they possess both melee and ranged powers. From my point of view the most important results you want to have is:

- Shrouded
- + 1T
- + 1 Save (making it 2+)

Shrouded is pretty much the result you want to roll due to the Bike rule. If you turboboost you can get a 2+ cover save which is pretty insane. Even when you move normally you would claim a 3+ cover save. If a enemy within 8 inch tries to shoot at the unit (after you move) you would still claim a 2+ cover due to Blight Grenades. Shrouded?...... YES PLEASE!!

The +1 T or +1 Save is also very usefull when engaging in a challenge. There's nothing more annoying having a T7 marine or T6 marine with 2+ save beating the hell out of your unit leader.

This is setup is definetly something which I WILL use.

                      Chaos Bikes: assembling, painting and converting

Anyways as I was telling at the start of my article I bought a few Chaos Bikes for my Death Guard army. In the past days I assembled 2 bikes and painted it, except a few details and the wheels. These will be done together with my other bikes. I just don't feel like wasting paint on a few wheels

I still have one bike left which will be my Chaos Lord. First of all I don't want to perform a simple kitbash to make my Chaos Lord, and certainly I don't want this Lord to be plain looking. After some thought about how my Lord should look like I made a list with must-have features, here we go:

- Bike needs to be more armoured
- Bike needs to have spikes/horns spouting out of the armour plates
- Bike needs to show something which can represent the "Hammer of Wrath"- special rule
- Chaos Lord needs to be a big ass Lord, like terminator-size in power armour
- Chaos Lord needs to have some Nurgle-ish ornaments
- Power armour needs to have spikes/horns spouting out of it's plate.
- Chaos Lord needs to have a mace to represent the Black Mace he is carrying
- Appearance-wise the Chaos Lord needs to be similar to the DV models.
- (Optional: Chaos Lord carries a Nurgle Banner on it's backpack)

With these requirements I started making my Chaos Lord in past few days, and managed to make a few things. Here's some pictures:

                                  I used FW Plague Marine torsos to get the Death Guard theme.

When the black basecoat was dried up I used Gretchin Green to paint the armourplates. As for the brass trimmings I plainly used Balthasar Gold. After everything done I simply applied Agrax Earthshade on every surface. There are alot of details which hasn't been done yet. I'll be doing this when I finished my other bikes to the same stage as these.

                                               Nurgle Lord on bike

     After my regular bikes I started to work on my Lord. I first took the regular Biker legs and disected it.

In order to make my Lord bigger than a regular marine I used some plasticard to lengthen every part. Afterwards I used some clippers and sandpaper to adjust to parts to the correct form.

Ok, it's time for some serious work. For the next step I'm using polyester filler/putty. This is extremly usefull when trying to create flat and smooth surfaces. It's easy to use and it dries incredibly fast. Basicly when done applying you can starting working on it after 15 mins or less. It's available at any hardware store and it's dirt cheap. I paid like €5,00 for this... hardly expensive.

After applying the paste it needs to have time to be solid. This process takes like 15 mins. Afterwards I used a file and sandpaper smoothening the surfaces.

All parts have been done, so it's time pinning all parts. As you can see on the picture above, there are some parts which have holes and gaps. Do not mind this as it isn't finished yet. I will fix this in the next step.

I used the polyester filler to fix the holes and gaps. And again used a file and sandpaper smoothening the surfaces.

The base form of the lower part is finished, it's time to start on details using greenstuff. As you can see I sculpted Nurgle symbol on the right leg. On the left leg I made a figure which partially resembles a Plague Bearer. Though it isn't finished yet I'll be working on it till I recieve my goods. There's alot of work to be done.

Ow also here's a few pictures of a armourpiece which will cover the front-wheel. It's pretty basic and unfinished. I'll be modifying the bike after my Lord has been done.

Stay tuned for more!!

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