donderdag 4 oktober 2012

Review: Codex CSM, Iron Within, Iron without

This week the Chaos Space Marine Codex will hit the stores. As some of people already got their copy in advance, they can study it before making any purchases. Personally I took a good look in the codex and started making several lists. After reading it, I do have to say it's a really nice codex which offers you plenty of ways to play. With this codex being the first one in 6th Edition, I think Games Workshop took the a good step in the right direction. The future looks bright with 6th Edition.

Edit: as a friend of mine has pointed out , the list written in this post is not legal. I'll edit this later on.

Anyways, as I was telling me making several lists. One in particular caught my eye, and it's Iron Warriors (fluff-wise). I was amazed how much firepower they could pull out. I won't list any pointcosts here. If you want to know either buy the codex or lend it from somebody.  Here's the list:

CSM Iron Warriors 2000 points


1x Warpsmith    (accompanied by Cultists)                                                   


2x Chaos Space Marines (10)                         
-          Missile Launcher
-          Rhino w/ Havoc Launcher

1x Cultists  (10)                                                  
- Autoguns


3x Helbrute   (can potentially double their firepower)                                                  
-          Plasma Cannon
-          Missile Launcher

Fast Attack

2x Heldrake                                                        
-          Hades Autocannon

Heavy Support

2x Forgefiend                                                     
-          2 Hades Autocannons
-     1 Ectoplasm Cannon

1x Defiler                                                    
-          2 Havoc Launchers
-          Autocannon
-          Warpflame Gargoyles


3x Aegis Defense Lines (occupied by CSMs and Cultists)
      -     Quad Gun

Ok, just to summarize the firepower the army has, excluding regular bolter- and autogun fire, here's the following:

- 24 Hades Autocannon Shots
- 12 Quad gun shots, which can be fired as snapshots
- 5 Missile Launcher Blasts/Shots
- 4 Havoc Launcher Blasts
- 3 Plasma Blasts
- 2 Ectoplasm Blasts
- 2 Autocannon Shots
- 1 Battlecannon Blast

It's pretty alot of heavy fire for a CSM force. I think it's a good representation of how Iron Warriors are as Siege specialists. CSM can be a gunline army as shown above.

I'm looking forward to more interesting builds........ ow dear Chaos will cost me a fortune.

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