Today I will cover the army colours, army settings and a few conversion ideas for my upcoming "revised" CSM force. Let's take a look
Army colours
After seeing all the new models and also after some thinking I decided to choose the Black Legion colourscheme. Black armour with gold/brassy trimmings, as shown in the picture above. The reasons for choosing this colour:
- It's easy and fast to paint, as I want my army to be ready a.s.a.p.
- Black is a very neutral colour, as it can blend with most common colours from all the CSM legions. Basicly everything looks good in/with black. Hell, even if you put a banana next to it it still looks good.
- Certain kits, such as the Forgefiends and the Heldrake looks, in my opinion, much better when painted in this colour.
- Black does (what I personally call) "fading". Certain parts which are hard to reach with the brush can easilly be faded using black. At distance you won't even notice if some details are being missed. I do this rarely, but at some occassions this can be really covenient. This is also one the reasons why I use black as basecoat.
Aside black and gold, I will applying metal, white, brown and (more frequently) red colours. In the end I'll be getting a pretty standard Black Legion force in terms of looks.
Setting up a plan to paint/converting future and existing models
In order to have my CSM force ready asap I need to set up a plan on which models needs to be converted/ painted and also which ones needs to be redone. So I'll go through the models which I mentioned in my previous article.
Chaos Terminator Lord
As you can see my Terminator Lord is partially done. Though I painted this right after it's initial release, like 5 years ago, it still needs to be redone at a few parts. The only parts which needs to be painted would be:
- Helmet
- Right shoulder
- TL Bolter
- Power Axe ornaments
- Trophy rack
Dark Apostle
I want to have a Dark Apostle in my CSM force. Though GW is going to release a new model, I do not intend to purchase one. I'm not fond to have walking paperdispenser running among my force. I already got one hanging next to my toilet if needed. From my image a Dark Apostle should be similar to the above. A real simplistic model (without a helmet), clad in dark red-ish armour leading my Cultists.
In order to get this result I will be using the Chosen model from the DV starterset. It definetly meets all my requirements as a Dark Apostle. Though a small adjustment on his mace is needed and his helm needs to be replaced with a book.
This is pretty much for it now.. I will continue this next time covering troops, elites, fast attack and the lot.
Stay tuned!!!
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