zaterdag 1 september 2012

Codex: Chaos Space Marines rumour compilation Part 3

The third part of the Chaos compilation. This time Troops and Elites will be covered in this article. Though I might miss out a few things editing will still be needed, so let’s give it a go.


Chaos Space Marines
-          unitsize 5 -10
-          14 points each
-          Champion upgrade seems to be cheaper

Chaos Cultists
-          unitsize 10 – 30
-          rumoured to be 4 points each
-          options: either cc weapon + autopistol or autogun
-          access to shotguns, flamers, grenade launchers and heavy stubbers ( as some is seen in 40k starterset)
-     champion has access to certain power weapons and bolt pistol.
-     unit can carry icon
-          seems to receive a bonus when a Dark Apostle is in their unit.


-          19 points each
-          Don’t have infiltrate

Chaos Terminators
-          31 points each
-          Most flexible Terminator unit in the game.
-          Still have the option to take combi-weapons.
-          Upgrades seems to be cheap.

-          Unitsize 1-3
-          S5 T5 2+/5++
-          Can’t DS
-          Doesn’t have Slow and Purposeful USR
-          Once per turn each Mauler can choose 2 of any combination of the following:
    • Power weapon
    • Power Fist
    • Lightning Claw
-          105 or 120 points
-          AV12/12/10
-          Default weapons: Multi Melta + Power Fist
-          Still has Crazed, but slightly different
-          Crazed easier to trigger when Dark Apostle is present.
-          Has Rampage USR
-          Options: replace Multi Melta with Butcher Cannon, Dual Reaper Autocannon or Powerfist
-          Can take Marks

Possessed (needs to be edited)

Khorne Berserkers
-          Unitsize 5-20
-          19 points each
-          Has 2 base attacks
-          Has Rage USR
-          Chainaxes are rumoured to be S4 AP4/5?
-          Option to take 2h Chainaxe, which acts similar to a Chain Fist.
-          Skull Champions have access to collars which provides 5+ DtW

Noise Marines
-          16 points each
-          Still need to buy Sonic Weapons which are 24” S4 AP5 Salvo, ignores cover
-          Acces to Doom Siren and Blastmasters for 25 points ignoring cover
-     Champion has acces to a whip which prevents enemy from denying challenges

Plague Marines
-          24 points each
-          Same as current codex
-          Have poison in CC
-          Blight Grenades are rumoured to have another effect when being thrown.

Thousand Sons
-          150 points for 1 Sorcerer and 4 Rubric Marines, 23 points each
-          Mastery level 1
-          Retains 4++ save
-          Slow and Purposeful, unless Sorcerer is alive they get Relentless USR instead

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