dinsdag 23 oktober 2012


It has been a while since I posted something on my blog. Some of you might be curious about my current conversions.

To be honest, at this moment I pretty much set aside my Nurgle Biker Lord. Knowing that:

1. My new Chaos models haven't been shipped from my online retailer.
2. This saturday 27th of October I have a gaming day with a bunch of friends

So basicly with no models or whatsoever I had to take action. I had my order canceled and went to a local retailer last week to get my models. So it pretty much ended up me having to paint almost my whole army within 1.5 week. Knowing I'll never reach my deadline, I'll at least try to paint the models in such way it's  acceptable as table-top looking.

Here's a list of models which I'll use on the upcoming saturday:

1000 pts

1 Warpsmith - currently in progress.
2 Maulerfiends - 1 unfinished/table-top quality, the other needs to be assembled and painted
10 Raptors - 5 unfinished/table-top quality, 5 needs to be painted
20 Cultists w/ CCW & pistol - unfinished/table-top quality
10 Cultists w/ autoguns - needs to be assembled and painted
5 Havocs - needs to be painted
1 Helbrute - currently in progress.

As you can see I still have alot to go. I'll post some pictures of all the models which I've managed to paint by saturday.

Stay tuned!

vrijdag 12 oktober 2012

The Conversion Clinic: Killing Time Part 2.

Welcome back to the 2nd part of the Killing Time series. This article is actually a small update on my WIP Nurgle Biker Lord. Let's have a quick peek.

donderdag 11 oktober 2012

The Conversion Clinic: Killing Time Part 1.

Almost a week has been past since the release of our shiney new codex CSM. Many of you got their hands on their new Chaos kits while others, including myself, are waiting for theirs to arrive from online retailers.

Knowing delayments would occur, I took some measures just to avoid waiting the whole darn time. Past saturday I went and bought myself a few Chaos bikes for my Death Guard army, so I got something to work on while waiting for my goods to arrive.

donderdag 4 oktober 2012

Review: Codex CSM, Iron Within, Iron without

This week the Chaos Space Marine Codex will hit the stores. As some of people already got their copy in advance, they can study it before making any purchases. Personally I took a good look in the codex and started making several lists. After reading it, I do have to say it's a really nice codex which offers you plenty of ways to play. With this codex being the first one in 6th Edition, I think Games Workshop took the a good step in the right direction. The future looks bright with 6th Edition.

Edit: as a friend of mine has pointed out , the list written in this post is not legal. I'll edit this later on.

vrijdag 28 september 2012

Chaos Space Marines: Reviewing, purchasing, setting new projects and conversions Part 5. (FINAL)

Welcome back to part 5, also the last part of the series, featuring the Daemon Prince conversion. I'm going through several ideas using pictures, so you'll get a better view what's on my mind.

dinsdag 25 september 2012

zondag 23 september 2012

Chaos Space Marines: Reviewing, purchasing, setting new projects and conversions Part 2.

Setting up a CSM project isn't as easy as it seems. As there are many factors which have a great amount of influence on my decisions:

- I want my models on the releasedate or fairly close to this date.
- I want to spend as less money as I can without buying excess stuff which will end up on my shelves collecting dust.
- Buying the necessary models to build my basic army. Afterwards expanding it every time by 250 - 500 points.

donderdag 20 september 2012

Chaos Space Marines: Reviewing, purchasing, setting new projects and conversions Part 1.

The first wave has been confirmed and by now we certainly know which models will be released.

So far the miniature range contains a lot of interesting kits which I'm eager to get my hands on, as they have lots of spare bitz to do conversions. For now I'll be reviewing some of the kits which I'm going to purchase and what these kits can offer. Let's go!

woensdag 19 september 2012

Chaos Space Marines revealed!

As I'm not going to waste my time showing pictures and stuff like that, you better look on Faeit 212

Link to Faeit 212

Personally I got mixed feelings about these models. Some are good to decent while others are not to my taste. Though I will probably end up buying a few of them.

The only thing which excites me is the codex. I'm really curious of it's contents.

A sidenote:

In my WIP article regarding painting CSM, I really haven't had any time to work on these due to various reasons. Also due to the WD pictures I'm hesitating to pick a certain colourscheme as things had turned out way differently. I'll put the CSM Chosen on hold until we see the rest of the release in the upcoming months. In the meantime I'll continue to work on Cultists which I had done partially. Stay tuned for more!

dinsdag 18 september 2012

Chaos Space Marines incoming!

Yesterday it has been confirmed at Faeit 212 Codex: Chaos Space Marines will be released on October 6th. If correct, and also in my oppinion, they will be featured in the upcoming White Dwarf, while being shown at Games Day UK.

This is great new! I'm looking forward to the White Dwarf pictures which will be leaked soon.

Stay tuned for more.

maandag 10 september 2012

Painting on a budget: Tools

As promised here's a guide which might help you find cheap, easy and suitable tools to start painting. Either you're new to the hobby or a veteran this guide will try to help you  saving some money. As I always say to my friends: "Get as many cheap tools as you can so you can buy more miniatures!".

maandag 3 september 2012

Cultists playtest rules

Today at Faeit 212 the playtest rules of the new Chaos Cultists has been revealed. Though these playtest rules might be false, it still looks pretty legimate and good so far. I'm eager to see the final version in the codex.

To read more about it, visit Faeit 212

zondag 2 september 2012

Work in progress

As work goes on with the new Chaos miniatures, I'm trying to figure out which colours I need to paint them before I actually can write a painting guide. Lots and lots of testing is needed, so expect the article to be posted within a week and a half. In the meantime I'll set up a guide regarding (cheap) painting tools which makes painting slightly more pleasant to do.

I'll edit this article with pictures as my work progresses.

zaterdag 1 september 2012

Codex: Chaos Space Marines rumour compilation Part 4

Part 4 of the compilation is up, this time covering Fast Attack and Heavy Support slots of the Chaos FOC.
The next part will feature all special characters, War Smiths, Dark Apostles, Wargear and such.

Dark Vengeance released

By now most of us has gotten their box of the new 40k starterset Dark Vengeance, this includes me.
Though I did promise to do a review on the box contents, somehow it isn't really needed as there are lot of people out there who already did this a few days ago.

Now that I got my shiny Chaos miniatures, this would be a great opportunity to post articles regarding how to paint. Stay tuned!

Codex: Chaos Space Marines rumour compilation Part 3

The third part of the Chaos compilation. This time Troops and Elites will be covered in this article. Though I might miss out a few things editing will still be needed, so let’s give it a go.

vrijdag 31 augustus 2012

Codex: Chaos Space Marines rumour compilation Part 2

As the continuation of the first article I’ll be listing all the rules for Chaos Space Marines and covering the HQ entries. Though there might be some uncertainties with certain models, such as the Dark Apostle or the Smith, I will feature them in a separate article.

Codex: Chaos Space Marines rumour compilation Part 1

These days we are all hyped about the release of the new 40k starterset with all of it's wonderful minitiatures, from my part especially Chaos Space Marines. Because of their amazing sculpts I'm looking more forward to it's codex release, which is rumoured to be released soon.

zaterdag 18 augustus 2012

40k Starterset

The past day or two there has been many leaks on the warhammer 40k Starterset, named Dark Vengeance, which will be released at the start of september. I'm already excited after seeing it's contents. Really amazing minitiatures. After seeing it I'm considering to get myself 1 or 2 boxes.

donderdag 2 augustus 2012


I'm just a random guy who started this blog recently sharing his hobby with the community. Most articles in this blog are related to either Warhammer Fantasy or Warhammer 40k. In most cases it will be Warhammer 40k, since I'm more focused on that part.

In the upcoming months I will be trying to show my current and finished projects. Also I'll be featuring articles regarding tips on how to paint and model/converting miniatures. Not to mention rumours on future releases of Games Workshop products.

Due to my nature being slacky I might not update this blog frequently.

